Henna is an herb which is known for its various medicinal benefits and this herb is also known by various other names such as mehendi, panwar, shudi, henna and so on. In fact henna is being used as a medicinal plant over the centuries on account of numerous benefits such as:
While using henna one should also be aware of the possible side effects which are more so in the use of black henna which is known to result in rashes, skin allergies and reactions. In some synthetic henna dyes for the hair, the manufacturer may mix some chemicals into the henna which may result in a negative reaction with the hair or scalp.
bahasa :
Henna adalah ramuan yang dikenal untuk berbagai manfaat obat dan ramuan ini juga dikenal dengan berbagai nama lain seperti mehendi, panwar, Shudi, pacar dan sebagainya. Bahkan henna digunakan sebagai tanaman obat selama berabad-abad karena banyak manfaat seperti:
Pendinginan Agen: Henna dikenal menjadi agen pendingin yang sangat baik dan karena itu diterapkan untuk goresan dan luka bakar. Henna juga digunakan sebagai obat rumah untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh saat menderita demam tinggi atau untuk mengobati kelelahan panas.
Masalah Kulit: Menggunakan obat henna juga memasukkannya digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai jenis ruam seperti kurap serta atlet kaki dan juga bertindak sebagai tabir surya. Karena daun tanaman henna yang astringent di alam mereka juga digunakan terhadap berbagai penyakit kulit.
Henna untuk rambut: Salah satu manfaat utama dari henna untuk rambut adalah bahwa ia bertindak sebagai obat alami untuk rambut rontok dan juga sangat baik untuk menjaga kualitas rambut secara keseluruhan. Hal ini karena penggunaan rutin henna dikenal untuk menutup dan memperbaiki kutikula rambut yang pada gilirannya mencegah kerusakan rambut dan juga membantu dalam mempertahankan bersinar rambut. Satu lagi manfaat dari henna untuk rambut adalah bahwa mencegah yang prematur rambut rontok karena membantu dalam mempertahankan keseimbangan pH kulit kepala dan juga bertindak sebagai obat alami yang efektif terhadap kekeringan, ketombe serta rambut beruban prematur. Henna juga digunakan untuk pengkondisian rambut yang membuat rambut halus dan lembut dan memelihara mereka benar dari akar. Bahkan dianjurkan bahwa untuk memaksimalkan manfaat dari henna untuk rambut Anda harus merendam henna di beberapa dadih segar dan kemudian menerapkan campuran ini di kepala Anda. Ini memiliki tujuan ganda sebagai dadih memastikan bahwa rambut tidak kering dan itu menambah bersinar rambut.
Henna untuk Kuku: Henna juga diketahui efektif dalam mengobati retak kuku. Hal ini dimungkinkan melalui obat rumah minum air di mana daun henna telah direndam dalam semalam. Perawatan ini harus terus selama setidaknya 10 hari untuk hasil terbaik. Menggunakan obat henna untuk kuku juga termasuk pencampuran bersama beberapa mentega dan pacar bubuk dan menggunakannya sebagai tapal untuk mengobati nanah diisi bengkak, kudis dan kudis.
Gangguan hati: Henna dianggap tanaman obat yang sangat menguntungkan dan karenanya kulit tanaman henna dikenal efektif dalam pengobatan pembesaran hati serta penyakit kuning.
Sakit kepala: Henna juga diketahui efektif terhadap sakit kepala yang mungkin disebabkan karena stroke panas. Salah satu pengobatan rumah untuk sakit kepala yang melibatkan pacar melibatkan menghancurkan keputihan, bunga merah muda dari tanaman henna bersama dengan beberapa cuka dan kemudian menerapkan pasta ini pada kuil untuk mendapatkan bantuan cepat dari sakit kepala.
Selain daun bagian menguntungkan lain dari tanaman henna adalah kulit kayu, bunga serta bibit tanaman henna.
Sementara menggunakan henna satu juga harus menyadari efek samping yang mungkin yang lebih dalam penggunaan henna hitam yang dikenal menghasilkan ruam, alergi kulit dan reaksi. Dalam beberapa pewarna henna sintetis untuk rambut, produsen dapat mencampur beberapa bahan kimia ke dalam henna yang dapat mengakibatkan reaksi negatif dengan rambut atau kulit kepala.
About Heena
History of Henna & Uses of Heena :
History of Henna :
The earliest evidence to prove that henna was used to celebrate women's sexuality and fertility is the red hand patterns ornamenting fertility shrine walls from 7000 B.C.E., at Catal Huyuk in the 7th millennium BCE. The earliest civilizations that can be proved to have used henna include the Babylonians, Assyrians, Sumerians, Semites, Ugaritics and Canaanites.
There are many statuettes from Crete and Mycenae from the period 1700 BCE to 900 BCE that show goddesses synchronous with Anath, with raised hands that appear to be ornamented with henna.
Historical Period :
Henna was used in Palestine from the earliest historical period, and there are Roman records of henna being used by Jewish people living in Jerusalem during the historical period of the birth of Christ. Henna was grown and used in Spain, by Christians and Moors from the 9th century AD to 1567 when it was outlawed by the Spanish Inquisition.
When Islam began in the 6-7th centuries AD, henna was incorporated into the customs of Muslims from the western Middle Eastern women's henna traditions that were widespread and long established.
Henna Botanical Description :
The botanical name of henna is 'Lawsonia Intermis'. It is known by different names in various countries all over the world as heena, Al-Khanna, Al-henna, Egyptian Privet, Henne, Jamaica Mignonette, Mehndi, Mendee, Smooth Lawsonia.
Plant Description :
It is a naturally occurring shrub that grows 3- 8 ft tall. The plant bears small yellow and white coloured flowers. Leaves, flowers and fruits are the used parts of the plant for manufacturing different products. It has been in use for a long time as a natural colorant for dyeing hair and applying beautiful designs on hands and feet.
The plant contains a naturally occurring coloring agent known as a hennotannic acid, this is so because the chemical property of the coloring agent resemble those of tannins.
Uses of Henna :

1-It has a great healing effect, it contain many healing substances like Tannine and other Glue like substances.
This is our experience with Henna over the last six years or more, the most promising is its anti-viral effect which could prove a breakthrough in modern medicine as a treatment for HIV patients.
History of Henna :
The earliest evidence to prove that henna was used to celebrate women's sexuality and fertility is the red hand patterns ornamenting fertility shrine walls from 7000 B.C.E., at Catal Huyuk in the 7th millennium BCE. The earliest civilizations that can be proved to have used henna include the Babylonians, Assyrians, Sumerians, Semites, Ugaritics and Canaanites.
There are many statuettes from Crete and Mycenae from the period 1700 BCE to 900 BCE that show goddesses synchronous with Anath, with raised hands that appear to be ornamented with henna.
Historical Period :
Henna was used in Palestine from the earliest historical period, and there are Roman records of henna being used by Jewish people living in Jerusalem during the historical period of the birth of Christ. Henna was grown and used in Spain, by Christians and Moors from the 9th century AD to 1567 when it was outlawed by the Spanish Inquisition.
When Islam began in the 6-7th centuries AD, henna was incorporated into the customs of Muslims from the western Middle Eastern women's henna traditions that were widespread and long established.
Henna Botanical Description :
The botanical name of henna is 'Lawsonia Intermis'. It is known by different names in various countries all over the world as heena, Al-Khanna, Al-henna, Egyptian Privet, Henne, Jamaica Mignonette, Mehndi, Mendee, Smooth Lawsonia.
Plant Description :
It is a naturally occurring shrub that grows 3- 8 ft tall. The plant bears small yellow and white coloured flowers. Leaves, flowers and fruits are the used parts of the plant for manufacturing different products. It has been in use for a long time as a natural colorant for dyeing hair and applying beautiful designs on hands and feet.
The plant contains a naturally occurring coloring agent known as a hennotannic acid, this is so because the chemical property of the coloring agent resemble those of tannins.
Uses of Henna :
- Used in medicines for its healing properties.
- Used to decorate hands.
- Used as a skin cleanser and healer.
- Used for its cooling properties.
- Used for hair as a natural colorant and conditioner.
- Used as a part of wedding celebration to decorate the bride.
- Used to stain the fingers of pharaohs before their mummification.
- Used by people to be in touch with spirituality, as they made human more aware of the Earth's energies.
- It is used as Natural hair dyes
- It is used as Temporary tattoos
- It is used for body decoration
- It is used as a Hair Conditioner / Nourisher
- It is used as a Hair tonic
- It is used as a Hair shampoo
- It is used in Essential Oils
- It is used in Skin products.
bahasa :
Sejarah Henna & Penggunaan Heena:
Sejarah Henna:
Bukti awal untuk membuktikan henna yang digunakan untuk merayakan seksualitas perempuan dan kesuburan adalah pola tangan merah menghiasi dinding kuil kesuburan dari 7000 SM, di Catal Huyuk di milenium SM 7. Peradaban paling awal yang dapat terbukti telah menggunakan henna termasuk Babel, Asyur, Sumeria, Semit, Ugaritics dan Kanaan.
Ada banyak patung dari Kreta dan Mycenae dari periode 1700 SM sampai 900 SM yang menunjukkan dewi sinkron dengan Anat, dengan mengangkat tangan yang tampaknya dihiasi dengan henna.
Sejarah Periode:
Henna digunakan di Palestina dari periode sejarah awal, dan ada catatan Romawi henna yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Yahudi yang tinggal di Yerusalem selama periode sejarah kelahiran Kristus. Henna ditanam dan digunakan di Spanyol, oleh orang Kristen dan Moor dari abad 9 Masehi ke 1567 ketika dilarang oleh Inkuisisi Spanyol.
Ketika Islam mulai di abad 6-7 Masehi, henna dimasukkan ke dalam kebiasaan Muslim dari Barat Tengah Timur perempuan tradisi henna yang luas dan lama didirikan.
Henna Botanical Keterangan:
Nama botani henna adalah 'Lawsonia Intermis'. Hal ini dikenal dengan nama berbeda di berbagai negara di seluruh dunia sebagai heena, Al-Khanna, Al-pacar, Privet Mesir, Henne, Jamaika Mignonette, Mehndi, Mendee, Halus Lawsonia.
Tanaman Keterangan:
Ini adalah semak alami yang tumbuh 3- 8 ft tinggi. Tanaman dikenakan bunga kecil berwarna kuning dan putih. Daun, bunga dan buah-buahan adalah bagian yang digunakan tanaman untuk pembuatan produk yang berbeda. Ini telah digunakan untuk waktu yang lama sebagai pewarna alami untuk mewarnai rambut dan menerapkan desain yang indah di tangan dan kaki.
Tanaman mengandung zat pewarna alami yang dikenal sebagai asam hennotannic, ini begitu karena sifat kimia dari pewarna mirip dengan tanin.
Penggunaan Henna:
Digunakan dalam obat-obatan untuk sifat penyembuhan.
Digunakan untuk menghias tangan.
Digunakan sebagai pembersih kulit dan penyembuh.
Digunakan untuk sifat pendinginan.
Digunakan untuk rambut sebagai pewarna alami dan kondisioner.
Digunakan sebagai bagian dari perayaan pernikahan untuk menghias pengantin.
Digunakan untuk noda jari-jari firaun sebelum mumifikasi mereka.
Digunakan oleh orang-orang untuk berhubungan dengan spiritualitas, karena mereka membuat manusia lebih sadar energi bumi.
Hal ini digunakan sebagai pewarna rambut alami
Hal ini digunakan sebagai tato temporer
Hal ini digunakan untuk dekorasi tubuh
Hal ini digunakan sebagai Kondisioner Rambut / Memelihara
Hal ini digunakan sebagai tonik rambut
Hal ini digunakan sebagai sampo rambut
Hal ini digunakan dalam Minyak Atsiri
Hal ini digunakan dalam produk kulit.
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Henna Extracts
Henna or Hina (Lawsonia inermis, syn. L. alba) is a flowering plant, 2-6m in height. It is the sole species in the genus Lawsonia in the family Lythraceae.1 Henna, Lawsonia inermis, produces a burgundy dye molecule, lawsone.2 This molecule has an affinity for bonding with protein, and thus has been used to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather, silk and wool. The dye molecule, lawsone, is primarily concentrated in the leaves. Products sold as "black henna" or "neutral henna" are not made from henna, but may be derived from indigo (in the plant Indigofera tinctoria) or Cassia obovata, and may contain unlisted dyes and chemicals.1
It is well known that plants have been used in traditional herbal medicine for many years.3 In some parts of the world, plants and herbs are still the prime medicines used in medical treatment.4-6 L. inermis is widely grown in various tropical regions in Asia, America and Africa. In Arabic, the word "henna" refers to L. inermis.5,7
The main uses of henna are as a cooling agent, astringent, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herb for the skin and hair.8,9 It has also been used as a dye and preservative for hair, skin and fingernails as well as leather and clothes.8,9 Its core chemical components are 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone), mannite, tannic acid, mucilage and gallic acid. Out of these ingredients, the main one is 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone). About 0.5-1.5% of henna is made of lawsone. Its bioactive feature is thought to be due to its high protein binding capacity.2,9
The skin has a complex flora. Infections can result when there is a breakdown in the integrity of the skin or when the immune defense is compromised. Common skin infections include cellulitis, erysipelas, impetigo, folliculitis, and furuncles and carbuncles.10 Many types of bacteria have ability to produce skin infections. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin infections. It is frequently found in the nose and skin. About 20% of the population is long-term carriers of S. aureus.11 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial properties of henna extracts in vitro and to compare them with Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Gentamicin, and Ciprofloxacin antibiotics.
Bacterial isolates were obtained from 74 patients (39 males, 35 females) with different skin infections who attended the Dermatology out patient clinic at Basra General Hospital. Bacterial culturing and identification of bacterial species were done at the Department of Microbiology in the University of Basra using Colle J, et al method, 1996.12
Plant samples and extraction procedure
L. inermis were collected from private gardens in Abu Al-Khasib City in Basra. The leaves were left to dry at room temperature for 24 hours. The dried leaves were ground to a powder and were kept in dry containers. Three types of extract were prepared in the present study: oily, alcoholic and water-based extracts. The oil-based extract was prepared by mixing 50 gm of dried leaves powder of Lawsonia inermis with 500 mL of n-hexane for 24 hours. The solvent was then removed with a negative pressure to make 3 gm of oily henna extract. The alcoholic extract was prepared by mixing 25 gm of henna powder with 250 mL of 70% ethanol for 12 hours. This mixture was cooled and filtered by Buchner funnel and filter paper (Wattman No. 185). The solvent was dried and concentrated using Rotary evaporator at 50°C. Water-based henna extract was prepared in the same way except that distilled water was used instead of alcohol.
Studying the antibacterial activity of Henna extracts:
The antibacterial effects of henna extracts on four bacteria strains, namely: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis (coagulase–negative staphylococci (cons), ß-hemolytic streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were studied. These bacteria were isolated from patients who attended the Dermatology outpatient clinic in Basra General Hospital. This was done using Agar-well diffusion method.13
1. Determination of the inhibition zones (mm) and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC).
The inhibition zones (mm) and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of L. inermis (henna) extracts were assessed using Agar diffusion dilution method. Mullar Hinton agar was used with different diluted extract concentrations (10-0.03 µg/ml). 0.1 ml containing 105 CFU /ml (0.5 McFarland) were spread on the agar as described in NCCLS-200013 and Alwaili& Sloom, 1999.14
Note: One typical species from each bacterial skin infection was selected for the study. The total isolates were 5 for each bacteria study.
2. Comparing efficacy of henna extracts with antibiotics:
Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin antibiotics were used in this study to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of L. inermis (henna) extracts. Muller Hinton agar was used with different antibiotic concentrations (30 mcg) to measure the (MICs). Determination of MIC was carried out using Maki’s method, 1985.15
Seventy four patients (39 males and 35 females) with various skin infections were involved in this study (Table 1). The studied skin infections were impetigo, carbuncles, furuncles, infected eczema and infected wounds. The isolated bacteria were coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, ß-hemolytic streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When measuring the antibacterial activity of henna extracts, alcoholic and oily extracts were more effective than the water based extract which had no effects. The standard method of NCCL were used, 200013 (Table 2).
Inhibition zones diameters (mm) of L. inermis (henna) extract (10 mcg) against the bacteria isolated from skin diseases*
Alcoholic extracts had the highest antibacterial activity with an MIC of 0.125-0.150 µg/mL against ß-hemolytic streptococci and against coagulase-negative staphylococci was 0.125-175 µg/mL. Oily extracts had an MIC of 0.25-0.30 µg/mL against Staphylococcus epidermidis. Both alcoholic and oily extracts had the same MIC (0.5 µg/mL) on Staphylococcus aureus. However, alcoholic extracts had more effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a MIC of 0.5-0.57 µg/ml than oily extract 0.20-0.28 µg/ml. However, there was no statistical difference with p value ³ 0.05 (Table 3). When comparing the extracts’ MICs with those of antibiotics, alcoholic extracts showed pronounced antibacterial effects against the isolated bacteria in vitro but oily extracts had much similar MICs to those of antibiotics with a statistically significant difference between the effect of extracts and antibiotic p<0.050 (Table 4).
Henna has many traditional and commercial uses, the most common being as a dye for hair, skin and fingernails, as a dye and preservative for leather and cloth, and as an anti-fungal. Henna body art is made by applying henna paste to the skin: the lawsone in the paste migrates into the outermost layer of the skin and makes a red-brown stain. Some pastes have been found to include: silver nitrate, carmine, pyrogallol, disperse orange dye, and chromium. These have been found to cause allergic reactions, chronic inflammatory reactions, or late-onset allergic reactions to hairdressing products and textile dyes.16-18
Henna contains Lawsone in about 0.5 to 1.5% of its ingredients. Lawsone (2-hydroxynapthoquinone) is the principal constituent responsible for the dyeing properties of the plant. However, henna also contains mannite, tannic acid, mucilage and gallic acid.2,9 These substances are present in henna in the form of a mixture. Antimicrobial activity may be due to numerous free hydroxyls that have the capability to combine with the carbohydrates and proteins in the bacterial cell wall. They may get attached to enzyme sites rendering them inactive.2 Water extracts did not show any antibacterial activity compared to alcoholic and oily extracts. This may be due to the lack of the solvent properties which plays an important role in antibacterial efficacy.9
The alcoholic extract showed the lowest MICs compared to other types of extracts and this may be due to the large quantity of active substances that were precipitated during the extraction process due to the effect of Hexane solvent itself.5 When compared with antibiotics, alcoholic henna extracts showed more antimicrobial activity while oily extract had similar antibacterial activity compared to those of antibiotic. We concluded that henna has an in-vitro antibacterial activity against the tested bacterial strains. These findings have also been mentioned in literatures.5-7
Henna leaf extracts have antimicrobial activity on the bacteria responsible for the common skin infections. Alcoholic and oily henna extracts have similar effects to some of the antibiotics commonly used in clinical practice.
1. Singh M, Jindal SK, Kavia ZD, Jangid BL. Khem Chand. Traditional Methods of Cultivation and Processing of Henna. Henna, Cultivation, Improvement and Trade: 21-14. Jodhpur, India: Central Arid Zone Research Institute, 2005.
2. Harborne SB, Baxter A. Phytochemical Dictionary. A handbook of bioactive compounds from plants. Tylor and Francis. London, 1995.
3. Blanks T, Brown S, Cosgrave B, Woody J, Bentley V, O’ Sullivan N, et al. The Body Shop Book of Wellbeing Mind, Body, and Soul. Ebury Press London. 1998 p. 173-192.
4. Natarajan V, Venugopal PV, Menon T. Effect of Azadirachta indica (neem) on the growth pattern of dermatophytes. Indian J Med Microbiol 2003. Apr-Jun;21(2):98-101 [PubMed]
5. Hemem SS. Activity of some plant extracts against common pathogens in bacterial skin infection: thesis MSc, College of Education, Basra University, Iraq, 2002.
6. Muhammad HS, Muhammad S. The use of Lawsonia inermis linn. (henna) in the management of burn wound infections. Afr J Biotechnol 2005;4:934-937
7. Habbal OA, Al-Jabri AA, El-Hag AH, Al-Mahrooqi ZH, Al-Hashmi NA. In-vitro antimicrobial activity of Lawsonia inermis Linn (henna). A pilot study on the Omani henna. Saudi Med J 2005. Jan;26(1):69-72[PubMed]
8. Singh A, Singh DK. Molluscicidal activity of Lawsonia inermis and its binary and tertiary combinations with other plant derived molluscicides. Indian J Exp Biol 2001. Mar;39(3):263-268 [PubMed]
9. Kelmanson JE, Jäger AK, van Staden J. Zulu medicinal plants with antibacterial activity. J Ethnopharmacol 2000. Mar;69(3):241-246 10.1016/S0378-8741(99)00147-6 [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
10. Stulberg DL, Penrod MA, Blatny RA. Common bacterial skin infections. Am Fam Physician 2002. Jul;66(1):119-124 [PubMed]
11. Kluytmans J, van Belkum A, Verbrugh H. Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus: epidemiology, underlying mechanisms, and associated risks. Clin Microbiol Rev 1997. Jul;10(3):505-520 [PMC free article][PubMed]
12. Colle J, Fraser A, Marmion B, Simmans A. Mackie and McCartney. Practical Medical Microbiology. 14th ed. Churchill Living ston. New York, USA. 1996 p. 978.
13. NCCL. 2000. Antibiotic susceptibility methods. CLSI.
14. Al-Waili NS, Saloom KY. Effects of topical honey on post-operative wound infections due to gram positive and gram negative bacteria following caesarean sections and hysterectomies. Eur J Med Res 1999. Mar;4(3):126-130 [PubMed]
15. Maki HA. (1983). Isolation and Identification of pathogenic bacteria encountered in cases of wound infection with their Antibiogram pattern. M. Sc. Thesis, College of Medicine, Univ. Baghdad.
16. Stante M, Giorgini S, Lotti T. Allergic contact dermatitis from henna temporary tattoo. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2006. Apr;20(4):484-486 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2006.01483.x [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
17. Sosted H, Johansen JD, Andersen KE, Menné T. Severe allergic hair dye reactions in 8 children. Contact Dermatitis. Blackwell Publishing Limited 2006;54(Issue 2):87-91 [PubMed]
18. A Report of the Allergy Vigilance Network, (2007). European Annals of allergy and Clinical Immunology vol. 39, 6:189-192
bahasa :
Antimikroba Khasiat Henna Ekstrak
Henna atau Hina (Lawsonia inermis, syn. L. alba) adalah tanaman berbunga, 2-6m tinggi. Hal ini satu-satunya spesies dalam genus Lawsonia dalam keluarga Lythraceae.1 Henna, Lawsonia inermis, menghasilkan molekul burgundy pewarna, lawsone.2 molekul ini memiliki afinitas untuk ikatan dengan protein, dan dengan demikian telah digunakan untuk mewarnai kulit, rambut, kuku, kulit, sutra dan wol. Molekul zat warna, lawsone, terutama terkonsentrasi di daun. Produk yang dijual sebagai "pacar hitam" atau "henna netral" tidak terbuat dari henna, tetapi mungkin berasal dari indigo (di pabrik Indigofera tinctoria) atau Cassia obovata, dan mungkin mengandung pewarna yang tidak terdaftar dan chemicals.1
Hal ini juga diketahui bahwa tanaman telah digunakan dalam pengobatan herbal tradisional untuk banyak tahun.3 Di beberapa bagian dunia, tanaman dan tumbuhan masih merupakan obat utama yang digunakan dalam treatment.4-6 medis L. inermis ini banyak tumbuh di berbagai tropis wilayah di Asia, Amerika dan Afrika. Dalam bahasa Arab, kata "pacar" mengacu L. inermis.5,7
Penggunaan utama dari henna adalah sebagai agen pendingin, astringent, ramuan anti-jamur dan anti-bakteri untuk kulit dan hair.8,9 Ini juga telah digunakan sebagai pewarna dan pengawet untuk rambut, kulit dan kuku serta kulit dan clothes.8,9 komponen inti kimianya adalah 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone), mannite, asam tanat, lendir dan asam galat. Dari bahan-bahan ini, yang utama adalah 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone). Tentang 0,5-1,5% dari henna terbuat dari lawsone. Fitur bioaktif yang dianggap karena capacity.2,9 nya protein tinggi mengikat
Kulit memiliki flora yang kompleks. Infeksi dapat terjadi ketika ada gangguan dalam integritas kulit atau ketika pertahanan kekebalan tubuh terganggu. Infeksi kulit yang umum meliputi selulitis, erisipelas, impetigo, folikulitis, furunkel dan dan carbuncles.10 Banyak jenis bakteri memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan infeksi kulit. Staphylococcus aureus adalah penyebab paling umum dari infeksi kulit. Hal ini sering ditemukan di hidung dan kulit. Sekitar 20% dari populasi adalah operator jangka panjang S. aureus.11 Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sifat antibakteri ekstrak henna in vitro dan membandingkan mereka dengan Tetracycline, Ampisilin, Gentamisin, dan antibiotik Ciprofloxacin.
Isolat bakteri yang diperoleh dari 74 pasien (39 laki-laki, 35 perempuan) dengan infeksi kulit yang berbeda yang menghadiri Dermatology keluar klinik pasien di Rumah Sakit Umum Basra. Kultur bakteri dan identifikasi spesies bakteri dilakukan di Departemen Mikrobiologi di University of Basra menggunakan Colle J, et al metode, 1.996,12
Sampel tanaman dan prosedur ekstraksi
L. inermis dikumpulkan dari kebun swasta di Abu Al-Khasib Kota di Basra. Daun dibiarkan kering pada suhu kamar selama 24 jam. Daun kering yang digiling menjadi bubuk dan disimpan dalam wadah kering. Tiga jenis ekstrak disusun dalam penelitian ini: berminyak, alkohol dan ekstrak berbasis air. Ekstrak berbasis minyak dibuat dengan mencampur 50 gram daun kering bubuk dari Lawsonia inermis dengan 500 mL n-heksana selama 24 jam. Pelarut kemudian dihapus dengan tekanan negatif untuk membuat 3 gm ekstrak henna berminyak. Ekstrak alkohol disiapkan dengan mencampur 25 gram bubuk henna dengan 250 ml etanol 70% selama 12 jam. Campuran ini didinginkan dan disaring oleh corong Buchner dan kertas saring (Wattman No. 185). Pelarut dikeringkan dan dipekatkan menggunakan Rotary evaporator pada suhu 50 ° C. Ekstrak henna berbasis air disiapkan dengan cara yang sama kecuali bahwa air suling digunakan sebagai pengganti alkohol.
Mempelajari aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak Henna:
Efek antibakteri ekstrak henna pada empat bakteri strain, yaitu: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis (koagulase-negatif stafilokokus (kontra), ß-hemolytic streptococci dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dipelajari Bakteri ini diisolasi dari pasien yang menghadiri klinik rawat jalan Dermatology di. Rumah Sakit Umum Basra. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Agar-baik difusi method.13
1. Penentuan zona inhibisi (mm) dan konsentrasi hambat minimum (MIC).
Zona inhibisi (mm) dan konsentrasi hambat minimum (MIC) dari L. inermis (henna) ekstrak dinilai dengan menggunakan metode difusi Agar dilusi. Mullar Hinton agar digunakan dengan konsentrasi ekstrak diencerkan berbeda (10-0,03 ug / ml). 0,1 ml mengandung 105 CFU / ml (0,5 McFarland) yang tersebar pada agar seperti yang dijelaskan dalam NCCLS-200013 dan Alwaili & Sloom, 1.999,14
Catatan: Satu spesies khas dari masing-masing infeksi kulit bakteri dipilih untuk penelitian. Total isolat 5 untuk setiap studi bakteri.
2. Membandingkan khasiat ekstrak henna dengan antibiotik:
Tetrasiklin, antibiotik Ampisilin, Gentamisin, Ciprofloxacin digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas antibakteri L. inermis (henna) ekstrak. Muller Hinton agar digunakan dengan konsentrasi antibiotik yang berbeda (30 mcg) untuk mengukur (MIC). Penentuan MIC dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Maki, 1.985,15
Tujuh puluh empat pasien (39 laki-laki dan 35 perempuan) dengan berbagai infeksi kulit yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini (Tabel 1). Infeksi kulit yang diteliti adalah impetigo, bisul, furunkel, eksim yang terinfeksi dan luka yang terinfeksi. Bakteri terisolasi yang koagulase-negatif staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, ß-hemolytic streptococci dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ketika mengukur aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak henna, ekstrak alkohol dan berminyak lebih efektif daripada ekstrak berbasis air yang tidak memiliki efek. Metode standar NCCL digunakan, 200.013 (Tabel 2).
tabel 1. Distribusi penyakit kulit menurut jenis kelamin
Tabel 2. Zona inhibisi diameter (mm) dari L. inermis (henna) ekstrak (10 mcg) terhadap bakteri yang diisolasi dari penyakit kulit *
Ekstrak alkohol memiliki aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi dengan MIC dari 0,125-0,150 mg / mL terhadap ß-hemolytic streptococci dan melawan koagulase-negatif staphylococcus adalah 0,125-175 ug / mL. Ekstrak berminyak memiliki MIC 0,25-0,30 ug / mL terhadap Staphylococcus epidermidis. Kedua ekstrak alkohol dan berminyak memiliki MIC yang sama (0,5 mg / mL) pada Staphylococcus aureus. Namun, ekstrak alkohol memiliki efek lebih pada Pseudomonas aeruginosa dengan MIC dari 0,5-0,57 mg / ml dari ekstrak berminyak 0,20-0,28 ug / ml. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan statistik dengan nilai p ³ 0,05 (Tabel 3). Ketika membandingkan MIC ekstrak 'dengan orang-orang dari antibiotik, ekstrak alkohol menunjukkan efek antibakteri jelas terhadap bakteri terisolasi in vitro tapi berminyak ekstrak memiliki MIC banyak mirip dengan antibiotik dengan perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengaruh ekstrak dan antibiotik p <0,050 ( Tabel 4).
Tabel 3. Konsentrasi minimum penghambatan (MIC) (ug / mL) dari ekstrak alkohol dan berminyak
Tabel 4. Konsentrasi minimum penghambatan (MIC) (ug / mL) dari antibiotik pada bakteri yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
Henna memiliki banyak kegunaan tradisional dan komersial, yang paling umum sebagai pewarna untuk rambut, kulit dan kuku, sebagai pewarna dan pengawet untuk kulit dan kain, dan sebagai anti-jamur. Henna seni tubuh dibuat dengan menerapkan pasta henna pada kulit: yang lawsone dalam pasta bermigrasi ke lapisan terluar kulit dan membuat noda merah-coklat. Beberapa pasta telah ditemukan meliputi: perak nitrat, carmine, pirogalol, membubarkan pewarna oranye, dan kromium. Ini telah ditemukan menyebabkan reaksi alergi, reaksi inflamasi kronis, atau reaksi alergi akhir-onset untuk produk tata dan dyes.16-18 tekstil
Henna mengandung Lawsone di sekitar 0,5 sampai 1,5% dari bahan-bahan. Lawsone (2-hydroxynapthoquinone) adalah konstituen utama yang bertanggung jawab untuk sifat pencelupan tanaman. Namun, henna juga mengandung mannite, asam tanat, lendir dan gallic acid.2,9 Zat ini hadir di henna dalam bentuk campuran. Aktivitas antimikroba mungkin karena banyak hidroksil bebas yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menggabungkan dengan karbohidrat dan protein pada dinding sel bakteri. Mereka mungkin akan melekat enzim situs membuat mereka inactive.2 ekstrak air tidak menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri dibandingkan dengan ekstrak alkohol dan berminyak. Hal ini mungkin karena kurangnya sifat pelarut yang memainkan peran penting dalam efficacy.9 antibakteri
Ekstrak alkohol menunjukkan MIC terendah dibandingkan dengan jenis lain dari ekstrak dan ini mungkin karena jumlah besar zat aktif yang diendapkan selama proses ekstraksi karena efek dari Heksana itself.5 pelarut Bila dibandingkan dengan antibiotik, ekstrak henna beralkohol menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba lebih sedangkan ekstrak berminyak memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang sama dibandingkan dengan antibiotik. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa henna memiliki aktivitas antibakteri in-vitro terhadap strain bakteri yang diuji. Temuan ini juga telah disebutkan dalam literatures.5-7
Ekstrak daun henna memiliki aktivitas antimikroba pada bakteri bertanggung jawab untuk infeksi kulit yang umum. Beralkohol dan berminyak ekstrak henna memiliki efek mirip dengan beberapa antibiotik yang umum digunakan dalam praktek klinis.
Henna (الحناء)
Botanical name
Lawsonia inermis
The Henna plant is an evergreen shrub about 6m (20ft) high by 6m (20ft) wide. It has small cream fragrant flowers and grows in tropical grasslands mainly in Africa and Southern Asia, and originated in Egypt. The Henna leaves have no odour even when crushed between the fingers. The flower is small and delicate with four petals, ranging from red, yellow, white and pink. They are sweet and alluring in smell, a combination of the scent of jasmine, rose and mignonette. The plant itself grows on a shrub [plant that dies back to roots in the autumn, grows new shoots in spring and lives for more than 2 growing seasons) , with several, permanent woody stems (but no trunk). It grows from ground level and is usually smaller than a tree] with small bright green leaves and a thorny bark. When mixed with clay, earth and chalk, powdered Henna releases a powerful smell.
Evidence from the Sunnah
There are many ahadeeth in relation to Henna. Amongst them are:
Umm Salma (May Allah be pleased with her) said: “Allah’s Messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon Him), never suffered from a wound or a thorn without applying henna to it.” [Reported by Imam Trimidi (with a hasan isnaad) and Imam al Baihaqi in their sahih]
“Whenever somebody came to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon him,) with complaints of headache, he directed him to undergo cupping and whosoever complained of pain in the legs, was advised to apply Henna.” (Narrated in Sunan Abee Dawud)
Narrated AbuDharr: The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon him) said: The best things with which grey hair are changed are henna and katam.
Medical Uses
There are many medicinal properties of Henna. The following illustrates the benefits of henna:
- Cooling affect – it reduces the body temperature
- Used as a coagulator for open wounds
- A poultice (soft mask used for inflammation of the skin) made with Henna soothes burns and certain eczema
- Relaxing – when applied to the palms which contain numerous nerve endings, henna relaxes the body
- Antiperspirant – when made into a plaster and applied to areas of the body it causes tightening of the pores, this also results in antibacterial characteristics in that it reduces bad odour
- Reduces headaches when applied mixed with vinegar to the head
- The branches of the shrub are broken and the leaves are dried in the sun. They are then grounded to a fine powder ready for use.
- Henna powder mixed with a mildly acidic liquid (lemon juice, or strong tea) is a cause for the release of lawsone molecules. This gives the powder (now paste) the property of dying. With a combination of selected essential oils such as tea tree or eucalyptus, this improves skin staining.
- Henna mixed with vinegar and applied to the head is used as a remedy for reducing headaches.
- Four drops of henna essential oil with four teaspoons of water creates a room fragrance.
- The Henna blossom (faghya) is known to be one of the best kinds of perfume – it is mild in its hotness and dryness. The scholar Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya mentions that it is used in ointments against facial paralysis and aneurysm (dilation of a portion of the wall of an artery). Its oil helps the organs and relaxes the nerves. Henna plays a partial role in some headaches – such as those caused by fever, and help to soothe them some what. The paste also soothes the nerves when used as a bandage for hot tumors and inflammations. It is also useful in treating burns.
- When chewed Henna helps treat cancers and thrush that appear in the mouth. It can also heal stoma Titus (inflammation of the mucus membrane) that appears in a child’s mouth. Henna as a bandage has the same affect on hot tumors as does the dragon’s tree to open sores.
Henna possesses many special qualities, among them the following:
- Lawsone
- Mucilage
- Tannic acid
- Glucose
- Quinone
- Resin
- Mannite
- Decomposing due to its warm watery essence
- Constipating due to the cold earthly essence it contains
- Antiperspirant agents due to the tightening of the pores
- Cooling astringency (coolant) for the body
- Antibacterial in that it prevents bad odour from eminating from the body when applied correctly
- Coagulator
According to one study carried out by Kent State University (2004), any child diagnosed with G6PD deficiency (Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, an inherited condition) must not have henna applied. The application of Henna can cause severe anaemia in G6PD deficient infants. This can occur by the Henna penetrating the thin, fragile skin causing oxidative haemolysis of their blood cells. It can cause jaundice within 24 hours, lethargy and vomiting necessitating immediate medical attention. Therefore it is advised that henna should not be applied to individuals who are G6PD deficient especially infants. Please note that G6PD deficient men are twice as likely to have a negative reaction by the application of Henna than women; and this could be one of the wisdoms behind why in Islam Henna is recommended only for women and not for men and Allah knows best.
bahasa :
The Henna tanaman adalah semak cemara sekitar 6m (20ft) tinggi oleh 6m (20ft) lebar. Memiliki krim kecil bunga yang harum dan tumbuh di padang rumput tropis terutama di Afrika dan Asia Selatan, dan berasal dari Mesir. Daun Henna tidak memiliki bau bahkan ketika hancur antara jari-jari. Bunga kecil dan halus dengan empat kelopak, mulai dari merah, kuning, putih dan merah muda. Mereka manis dan memikat di bau, kombinasi aroma melati, mawar dan mignonette. Tanaman itu sendiri tumbuh di semak [tanaman yang mati kembali ke akar di musim gugur, tumbuh tunas baru di musim semi dan tinggal selama lebih dari 2 musim tumbuh), dengan beberapa, kayu permanen batang (tapi tidak ada bagasi). Tumbuh dari permukaan tanah dan biasanya lebih kecil dari pohon] dengan daun hijau kecil terang dan kulit berduri. Ketika dicampur dengan tanah liat, bumi dan kapur, bubuk Henna melepaskan bau yang kuat.
Bukti dari Sunnah
Ada banyak hadits dalam kaitannya dengan Henna. Di antara mereka adalah:
Umm Salma (Semoga Allah senang dengan dia) berkata: "Rasulullah (Perdamaian dan Berkah Allah Jadilah kepada-Nya), tidak pernah menderita luka atau duri tanpa menerapkan henna untuk itu." [HR Imam Trimidi (dengan hasan a sanad) dan Imam al Baihaqi dalam sahih mereka]
"Setiap kali seseorang datang kepada Nabi Muhammad (damai dan Berkat Allah Jadilah atasnya,) dengan keluhan sakit kepala, ia mengarahkan dia untuk menjalani bekam dan barangsiapa mengeluhkan sakit di kaki, disarankan untuk menerapkan Henna." (HR di Sunan Abee Dawud)
Dikisahkan AbuDharr: Nabi (Perdamaian dan Berkah Allah Jadilah besertanya) mengatakan: Hal terbaik dengan rambut beruban yang berubah adalah pacar dan katam.
Penggunaan medis
Ada banyak sifat obat dari Henna. Berikut ini menggambarkan manfaat henna:
-Cooling Mempengaruhi - mengurangi suhu tubuh
-Digunakan Sebagai coagulator untuk luka terbuka
Tapal -A (masker lembut digunakan untuk radang kulit) dibuat dengan Henna menenangkan luka bakar dan eksim tertentu
-Relaxing - Ketika diterapkan pada telapak tangan yang mengandung banyak ujung saraf, henna melemaskan tubuh
-Antiperspirant - Ketika dibuat menjadi plester dan diterapkan ke daerah-daerah tubuh yang menyebabkan pengetatan pori-pori, ini juga menghasilkan karakteristik antibakteri dalam hal mengurangi bau tak sedap
-Mengurangi Sakit kepala bila diterapkan dicampur dengan cuka ke kepala
-The Cabang semak yang rusak dan daun dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari. Mereka kemudian beralasan untuk menjadi bubuk halus siap digunakan.
Bubuk -Henna dicampur dengan cairan agak asam (jus lemon, atau teh yang kuat) adalah penyebab pelepasan molekul lawsone. Hal ini memberikan bubuk (sekarang menyisipkan) milik sekarat. Dengan kombinasi yang dipilih minyak esensial seperti pohon teh atau eucalyptus, ini meningkatkan pewarnaan kulit.
-Henna Dicampur dengan cuka dan diterapkan ke kepala digunakan sebagai obat untuk mengurangi sakit kepala.
Tetes-Empat dari minyak esensial henna dengan empat sendok teh air menciptakan aroma kamar.
-The Henna blossom (faghya) dikenal sebagai salah satu jenis terbaik dari parfum - itu adalah ringan di hotness dan kekeringan. Sarjana Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah menyebutkan bahwa itu digunakan dalam salep terhadap kelumpuhan wajah dan aneurisma (pelebaran bagian dari dinding arteri). Minyaknya membantu organ-organ dan melemaskan saraf. Henna memainkan peran parsial di beberapa sakit kepala - seperti yang disebabkan oleh demam, dan membantu untuk menenangkan mereka beberapa apa. Pasta juga menenangkan saraf bila digunakan sebagai perban untuk tumor panas dan radang. Hal ini juga berguna dalam mengobati luka bakar.
-Ketika Dikunyah Henna membantu mengobati kanker dan sariawan yang muncul di mulut. Hal ini juga dapat menyembuhkan stoma Titus (radang selaput lendir) yang muncul di mulut anak. Henna sebagai perban memiliki sama mempengaruhi tumor panas seperti halnya pohon naga untuk membuka luka.
Henna memiliki banyak kualitas istimewa, di antaranya sebagai berikut:
Asam -Tannic
-Decomposing Karena esensi berair hangat
-Constipating Karena esensi duniawi dingin mengandung
Agen -Antiperspirant karena pengetatan pori-pori
-Cooling Astringency (pendingin) untuk tubuh
-Antibacterial Dalam hal mencegah bau buruk dari eminating dari tubuh bila diterapkan dengan benar
Menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Kent State University (2004), setiap anak yang didiagnosis dengan defisiensi G6PD (defisiensi dehidrogenase glukosa-6-fosfat, kondisi warisan) tidak harus pacar diterapkan. Penerapan Henna dapat menyebabkan anemia berat di G6PD bayi kekurangan. Hal ini dapat terjadi dengan Henna menembus tipis, kulit rapuh menyebabkan hemolisis oksidatif sel darah mereka. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan penyakit kuning dalam waktu 24 jam, lesu dan muntah memerlukan perhatian medis segera. Oleh karena itu disarankan bahwa pacar tidak harus diterapkan kepada individu yang G6PD kekurangan terutama bayi. Harap dicatat bahwa G6PD pria kekurangan dua kali lebih mungkin untuk memiliki reaksi negatif dengan penerapan Henna daripada wanita; dan ini bisa menjadi salah satu kearifan di balik mengapa dalam Islam Henna hanya disarankan untuk wanita dan bukan untuk manusia dan Allah tahu yang terbaik.
Henna plant (scientifically known as Lawsonia Inermis) is well known for long time in the Arab and Muslims world, extensively grown in India and Sudan and used mainly for cosmetic purposes.
Over the last many years I have used Henna as medicine after I read the Hadith about it that the Prophet (PUH) ordered any one who has been pricked by a thorn or has an ulcer on his leg to put Henna on it.
After many years of experience I came to call it the Magic Plant
And in the following paragraphs I will explain why:
1-It has a great healing effect, it contain many healing substances like Tannine and other Glue like substances.
2-It has anti microbial effect especially anti-viral effect.
Henna when applied to a burn area first or second degree it gives very good results;
-Decrease pain.
-Decrease fluid loss from the burn site, this is important if the burn area is large.
-It look to have anti-microbial effect, it decrease infection.
-Stick to the burned site until healing is complete.
-Easy to apply to the burned site as paste or powdered.
-Cheap and available.
Henna promote wound healing especially chronic wounds and ulcers, I have used it on nuropathic ulcers of the foot and proved to be very effective. The main factor that promotes healing is not known but I think it has this effect by its nourishing effect on the wound and its anti-microbial properties. If the wound is infected antibiotic cover usually needed.
I used henna for treatment of Epistaxis, and it prove very effective, and give a long lasting cure. And dose not need to be applied more than once most of the times, the powdered stick to the bleeding area until it healed, it work better than cauterization , which is most of the times need to be repeated and still can not guarantee that recurrence of the bleed is not going to occurs.
ANTERIOR NOSE BLEED (from little area): treated by applying the powdered to bleeding spot ,using a ready made ear cleaning stick with its cotton covered end ,and pack the powder to the site of the bleeder ,that will stop the bleeding , rarely it need to be repeated again and that is really Magic way of treatment for epistaxis.
POSTERIOR NOSE BLEED: Which is very difficult to treat as every ENT doctor knows, with this Henna powder just ask the patient to sniff the powder through the anterior nostril to make it reach the back of the nose or posterior nostril and by this action the powder will stick to the bleeding area and the bleeding will stop, no more we need to use posterior nose pack which is a nightmare for the patient and the doctor at the same time.
The only side effect of Henna here is , it causes the patient to sneeze a little.
The anti-bleeding effect of Henna could be used at other sights like bleeding duodenal ulcer or esophageal varices . This needs to be tried as far as there are no side effect known.
This anti-bleeding effect may be due to its coagulation like effect or its locally burning effect.
Henna definitely has an anti-viral effect, that became clear by its action on;
1-warts; we have tried it many times especially on these warts which are resistant to cryo (Nitrogen liquid) treatment and prove effective, one giant wart measuring 1.5x1.5cm on a child thumb which was resistant to all forms of treatment, at last the child referred to the plastic surgeon for operation, we tried Henna on it, applied every other day over night and in few weeks it disappeared completely . The Dermatologist nurse has a wart on her finger for more than two years which was resistant to liquid nitrogen treatment , we asked her to use henna and got cured.
We found it very useful especially on multiple wars.
On warts Henna applied as paste.
2-Herpes Simplex:
This the second proven and successful effect of Henna on viral infections. We applied it as powdered to herpes site, we noticed:
-It dried the vesicles at the site early.
-Prevent ulceration and crust formation.
-Prevent secondary infection.
Henna applied on herpes as powdered.
This anti-viral effect of Henna is very promising , and should be explored further, It could used as treatment for AIDS . It is natural ,cheap, and it look to have no side effect even when taken by oral route.
We have prepared Henna in capsules now at home and used it as a prophylaxis against Flu during last Haj and we think it helped, As we did not get the infection while most people got Haj Flu which is usually a severe one. But this too early to be sure about and need more trails.
Henna can be used as a prophylaxis especially to protect diabetic patients feet, I routinely now advise my diabetic patients to use henna at least once a month because:
- It help to heals fissures and cracks in the foot and reduce foot infection.
- It improve the skin texture, which look healthier and softer.
- It may delay the nuropathic effect of diabetes, In fact it may reverse the early ones, This need more time to prove.
Henna could be used in the following areas:
1-Back pain
2-Ulcerative colitis as enema.
3-Bleeding duodenal ulcers.
2-Ulcerative colitis as enema.
3-Bleeding duodenal ulcers.
This is our experience with Henna over the last six years or more, the most promising is its anti-viral effect which could prove a breakthrough in modern medicine as a treatment for HIV patients.
Henna is a plant. The leaf is used to make medicine.
Don’t confuse henna with henna root (Alkanna tinctoria), also referred to as alkanna root.
Historically, henna has been used for severe diarrhea caused by a parasite (amoebic dysentery), cancer, enlarged spleen, headache, jaundice, and skin conditions. These days, people take henna for stomach and intestinal ulcers.
Henna is sometimes applied directly to the affected area for dandruff, eczema, scabies, fungal infections, and wounds.
In manufacturing, henna is used in cosmetics, hair dyes, and hair care products; and as a dye for nails, hands, and clothing.
People also use henna on the skin as temporary “tattoos.”
How does it work?
Henna contains substances that might help fight certain infections. There is also some information that henna might decrease the growth of tumors, prevent or reduce spasms, decrease inflammation, and relieve pain.Uses
Insufficient Evidence for
- Ulcers in the stomach or intestines.
- Severe diarrhea caused by parasites called amoebas (amoebic dysentery).
- Cancer.
- Enlarged spleen.
- Headache.
- Yellow skin (jaundice).
- Skin conditions, when taken by mouth or applied to the skin.
- Dandruff, when applied to the scalp.
- Other conditions.
Side Effects
Henna seems to be safe for most adults when used on the skin or hair. It can cause some side effects such as inflammation of the skin (dermatitis) including redness, itching, burning, swelling, scaling, broken skin, blisters, and scarring of the skin. Rarely, allergic reactions can occur such as hives, runny nose, wheezing, and asthma.
Henna is considered to be UNSAFE when taken by mouth. Accidentally swallowing henna requires prompt medical attention. It can cause stomach upset and other side effects.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Children: Henna is considered UNSAFE for use in children, especially in infants. There have been cases of serious side effects when henna was applied to the skin of infants.
Infants with a condition called glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency are at especially high risk. Putting henna on the skin of these infants can cause their red blood cells to burst.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to take henna by mouth if you are pregnant. There is some evidence that it might cause a miscarriage. It’s also UNSAFE to take henna if you are breast-feeding.
Henna allergy: If you are allergic to henna, avoid contact.Interactions
Moderate Interaction: Be cautious with this combination
- Lithium interacts with HENNAHenna might have an effect like a water pill or "diuretic." Taking henna might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium. This could increase how much lithium is in the body and result in serious side effects. Talk with your healthcare provider before using this product if you are taking lithium. Your lithium dose might need to be changed.
The appropriate dose of henna depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for henna. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.- Conditions of Use and Important Information: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. © Therapeutic Research Faculty 2009
Henna (Mehendi) is a Great Healer
Henna (Mehendi) is a Great Healer
Dr. M. Laiq Ahmed Khan
The Henna plant is not only extensively grown throughout India, but cultivated as well. It is planted as hedges around houses, buildings and sometimes fields. It is two-meter long when fully grown and emission of a typical fragrance is also noted during nights. It is cultivated throughout India. For ages. The Mehndi of Faridabad is very much popular and liked by the users. The different parts of the plant viz. leaves, stems, flowers and fruits are being used for cosmetic as well as medicinal purposes.Hazrat Umme Salma (R) narrates: “In the life of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh), no injury or thorn piercing was treated on which Henna was not applied.” (Tirmizi, Sanad-e-Ahmed)“Whenever somebody came to Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) with complaints of headache, he directed him to undergo cupping and whosoever complained of pain in legs, was advised to apply Henna.” (Bukhari, Abu Dawood)In another narration Henna was prescribed for headache also Hazrat Abu Huraira narrates: Nabi-e-Akram (Pbuh) said that Jews and Christians did not use Khizab, you oppose that.The same verse is narrated by other narrators in Nisai and Tirmizi.Osman bin Abdullah Ibn Mohib narrates: “My family sent me to Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Salma (R), with a bowl of water (the narrator of this Hadith, Israil closed his three fingers and said the bowl was of silver). A few holy hairs of Prophet (Pbuh) were there in the bowl. If some one fell ill with evil sight or with any other ailment would send the water in a bowl to Umme-e-Salma. She would dip the plate in it. I looked into the water and found that the colour of the Prophet’s hair was red.” (Bukhari)Jahzma (R) the wife of Bashir Bin Khasasia (R) narrates “I saw Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) coming out of the house. He was coming after taking bath, therefore, he was shaking his hairs. The colour of Henna was visible on his head.” (Tirmizi)Wasila (R) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said “Use Henna, it makes your head lustrous, cleanses your hearts, increases the sexual vigour and will be witness in your graves”Abi Rafai narrates, “I was present before Prophet (Pbuh). Passing his hand over his head he said that the head of all dyes was Henna which ganeaglow to the face and increased the sexual vigour.” (Abu Naim)The scholars of Hadith paid a great attention towards its use keeping in view the repeated sayings of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).Sahaba and Tabayeen like Abu Bakr, Umar, Abu Ubaida, Mohammed Ibnal Hanifa, Mohammed Ibn Al Sirin used to apply Henna on their hairs.Mohaddis Abdul Latif Baghdadi says that its red colour is very attractive and its colour and smell is a nerve stimulant. The fact is well understood in today’s scenario, from the impact of colour and odour on personality and physiology.Mohd. Ahmed Zahbi says that there are three essential factors for healing- Expulsion of fluids from the wounds
- Cessation of production of any more fluids
- Formation of healthy flesh (granulation tissue) to fill the gap.
Henna contains all these three factors and possesses very good healing properties. If Mehndi leaves are soaked in water throughout the night and this decanted water, if taken in morning for 40 days, is effective in leprosy and heals the wounds.Hafiz Ibu al Qayyim in the light of his experiences describes it a good healing agent for burns. Its gargles are beneficial in stomatitis and all ulcers of tongue, cheeks and lips. Its local application has soothing effects on acute inflammations and hot abscesses. Henna levels’ extract in oil mixed with natural wax and oil of rose, if applied locally in conditions of backache, is highly effective.It is a clinically tested fact that if Mehndi leaves paste is applied on the soles of the patients of small pox and chicken pox, the eyes remain unaffected with the disease and besides become dry very soon.Dry leaves of Henna if kept in clothes, serve the purpose of insect repellant.If the paste of Henna is applied on nails, the lustre of the nails increases and if applied on feet and soles, is effective in burning feet syndrome.If the nails become disfigured after getting fungal infection, it is advisable to use Henna with vinegar to restore it to normalcy. The paste of Henna is very effective in Burns and scalds. It heals the boils of scalp if applied with Roghan-e-Zaitoon.The physicians of Unani Medicine describe it as a good blood purifier. Hakim Ajmal Khan once used the paste of Henna on the palms of a female patient who was suffering from Menorrhagia and she got cured. Headache from heat is cured by inhaling the scent of its flowers.The oil prepared from olive oil and leaves of Henna is very much effective in muscular rigidity. If Henna leaves are soaked in a sufficient quantity of water and kept throughout the night and the decanted water is taken in morning it is effective in Jaundice and Splenomegaly.(The writer is director, Shah Faisal Institute of Hadith and Medical Sciences, Kasganj-207123 (U.P)
- Lithium interacts with HENNA
Henna – Medicinal PlantHenna or Mehandi is a medicinal plant. Its bark and seeds are used in Unani and Ayurvedic medicines. Henna is a middle-sized shrub with many branches. It yields small white or pinkish fragrant flowers in large terminal bunches and small round fruits. This fascinating plant known world-wide for the beautiful colouring dye used by the orientals to colour their hands and body.Henna oil is used during medicinal treatment of wide range of ailment ranging from headache to leprosy and other skin disorders. As a medicinal plant henna is used as an astringent, anti-hemorrhagic intestinal anti-neoplastic, cardio-inhibitory, hypotensive, and a sedative. The Henna extracts exihibit antibacterial, antifungal, and ultraviolet light screening activity.The oil of its flower relieves muscular pains, while its seeds are used in deodorants and to regulate menstruation. Henna oil induce sleep, cure headaches and bruises. The bark is also used to treat symptoms of jaundice and enlargement of the liver and spleen. Henna oil can be applied to the skin to treat eczema, scabies, fungal infections and burns.Medicinal Benefits of Henna oil / seedsArthritis: Henna oil is used for rheumatic and arthritic pains. Ground leaves are applied to sore flints to ease rheumatism. The juice of the medicinal plant can be applied to the skin for headaches, and the henna oil is applied to hair to prevent it from graying.Dysentery: The bark of the plant is very effective in the treatment of dysentery. The seeds are powdered, mixed with ghee and rolled into small balls and then taken with water.Liver Disorders: The bark of the plant is very effective in the treatment of liver disorders like Jaundice and enlargement of the liver. Henna can be consumed in the form of powder from 1 to 5 decigrams doses or it can be taken in decoction from 30 to 50 grams doses to cure liver disorders.Baldness: Using mustard oil boiled with Henna leaves promotes healthy hair growth. 250 grams of mustard oil is boiled in a pan. Some 50 to 60 grams of Henna leaves are added gradually to the oil and heated. The oil is then filtered through a cloth and stored in a bottle. Regular massage with this oil produces abundant hair.Prickly Heat: Henna leaves are beneficial in the treatment of prickly heat. The leaves ground with water are applied over the affected area.Headaches: Henna flowers cure headaches caused by the heat of the sun. A plaster made of Henna, flowers in vinegar and applied over forehead relieves the headaches.Feet Burning Sensation: Fresh leaves mixed with vinegar or limp juice is bandaged onto the soles to treat burning feet.Skin Disease: Henna leaves are very effective in the treatment of skin disorders like boils & burns. Coarsely ground Henna leaves applied to the affected parts cures the disorders. It can be applied beneficially in rheumatic joints, inflammatory swelling, bruises & leprosy. The Ayurvedic system uses thy henna leaves to treat vitiligo (pale patches on the skin where pigment is lost). And the seeds are also used to fever. Henna contains natural ingredients which are vital for nourishment of hair. It has a bond with the hair structure as it serves to penetrate, cleanse and thicken the hair shafts thus improving its quality. It also has great dandruff fighting ability. Henna is mainly used as a colouring agent. It is mixed with other natural dyes and is largely used as a hair dye and in textiles. The henna oil obtained form its flower is used in perfumery. In India, Henna paste is applied to decorate palms & heels on special occasions. Especially in marriages the bride’s palms & legs are decorated with Henna paste as a customary ritual.Powers of Henna Plant- Applied henna powder to decorate feet and hands for its cooling properties
- Henna powder with water mixed as part of marriage rituals for decorating the bride
- Henna used in medications for its healing properties as a skin healer and cleanser
- It is used to hair as a natural conditioner and colorant and stain the fingers of pharaohs before their mummification
- Applied henna by persons to be in compliance with religion because it makes the individual more conscious of the Earth’s energies.
Modern Applications of Henna Plant- Temporary tattoos
- Henna Nourisher or hair conditioner as shampoo
- Skin care products
- Natural hair dyes
- Body decoration
- Henna Hair tonic
- Henna Essential Oils
Articles from Oman Medical Journal are provided here courtesy of Oman Medical Specialty Board
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